Farm Happenings

Winter 2022

January 27, 2022 Yadira Ruiz

It's another unpredictable year when it comes to weather. Like most of you, we've been muddling our way though the pea-soup level fog for the last 10 days. The most recent cold snap was a surprise but not unwelcome, it'll help reduce the amount of pests we see later this spring/summer. You probably know we have two locations that we farm. Our Philomath plot is all outdoors and we're only harvesting a few crops there, the cooking mix and the carrots. The other items are fall harvest storage crops that are kept at Sunbow. We're tending to a few hoop...

A farmer's thoughts on Thanksgiving

November 19, 2021 Yadira Ruiz

The gesture and act of giving thanks feels sacred to me. In giving thanks we recognize a person or thing. In doing so, we create a connection between the two, an acknowlegment of each other. Growing up, I learned that Thanksgiving was about pilgrims and indigenous peoples sharing work and celebrating the bounty that it brought together. As an adult, I see now that it's another example of erasure. It's another example of the ugly truth, this land that we live on, was taken in brutality from others. I know, it's difficult to face the suffering caused in the past but if...

False Summer

April 24, 2021 Yadira Ruiz

Anyone who makes a living working outside will tell you, you can't count on the weather to do what the predictions say it will. Last week the predictions proved correct and it was unreasonably~er, I mean unseasonably hot for several days. When we planted the majority of our crops inside the hoop houses (fields are usually too cold and wet until May), we had no idea the "dry down" would come on so quickly. We seeded all manner of cool weather brassicas that are now in the compost heap because they bolted (started their reproductive cycle by setting blossoms and...

April? Already?

April 03, 2021 Yadira Ruiz

I'm not sure what happened to March, it was here a minute mantra lately has been "one foot in front of the other". All you can do when time is racing by is to just keep stepping. We know it's been tricky for some of you to remember that we don't do Friday harvests anymore. We are sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused but let me tell you, this change has been revolutionary for us! Last year the demand for our produce went up, A LOT. We found ourselves having to adjust and change our routines which...

The warm up is over!

March 27, 2021 Yadira Ruiz

Haha, not the weather warm up! I'm referring to the warm up before the ultra marathon we call the "main season". We heard the starting gun go off last week and we're pacing ourselves for a big, amazing season. This year is different in so many ways, not the least of them being that we have a dear friend helping us with the work. Ayelet hails from Isreal and is trained professional dancer but somehow we got lucky enough to meet her in 2019 when she came to do work trade with us. We were able to hire her in...